Visit to RHS WISLEY FEB 2025





In the past we have run a number of coach trips in late February to gardens, including Wisley,  which are renowned for their displays of late winter colour and these have proved most enjoyable days out giving something different to look forward to during the dark days of winter.

Wisley was given to the RHS in 1903 and has been developed into one of the finest gardens in the UK attracting over 1 million visitors a year. It is now a large and diverse garden covering 240 acres with numerous formal and informal gardens, an arboretum and a trials field where new plant cultivars are assessed. Winter colour is a particular feature of Wisley with swathes of colour provided by late winter flowers such as snowdrops, crocuses, winter aconites and hellebores as well as many winter flowering shrubs. As the headquarters of the RHS, Wisley’s gardens have long been regarded as one of the premier gardens in the UK. Not only are they full of colour and interest throughout the year but they also feature much of help and interest for the amateur gardener with small plots, experimental plantings and scientific techniques on show.

We expect to arrive at Wisley at around 11.30am, departing at 4.30pm. 

The cost will be £30 per person for RHS members  and £46 for non-members.

Places to be allocated on a first come first served basis,  with priority for GOGG members.

                                                                     depart am

Stonehouse bus top by main car park                  8.20

St. John’s, Churchdown Gloucester                     8.50

Leckhampton   The Norwood                             9.10 

Brockworth Cross Hands                                   9.20

Please send completed booking form with full payment to Vic Ellis, 26 Mead Road, Leckhampton, Cheltenham. GL53 7DT by 25th January, 2025.

 Cheques payable to ‘GOGG’.

( Please note that RHS members will need to provide their membership numbers in advance as well as the name of any guest they intend to take in on their card)

Coach trip to RHS Wisley Saturday 22nd February, 2025.

Name……………………………………….Telephone No……………………

Number of places @ £30 per person          (RHS)                   ….                         …………..

Number of places @ £46 per person                                       ….                         ..…………         

Total Enclosed……………………….   

Pick-up Point……………………………………………………………………………

RHS Number    ………………..

Name of RHS member’s guest  ……………………………………

Wisley has many glasshouses featuring a great variety of plants and these will provide shelter should the weather be rather inclement on the day although bear in mind that they close at 3.15. In particular the Bicentenary Glasshouse is a major feature developed since 2005 covering ¾ of an acre with planting areas representing desert, tropical and temperate climate zones. In addition, following the building of a new science block it is now possible to visit the old laboratory at the house to see where so much of the RHS’s scientific work took place over so many years. And of course there are a number of food  and drink outlets around the garden where we can seek shelter as well as sustenance. Also there is a large area devoted to plant sales.